Cathy Laymet

Cathy Laymet

Cathy Laymet is a certified ballet instructor (she holds a DE – “Diplôme d’Etat” in Dance instruction). She was trained in the National Spanish Ballet Academy in Madrid, and in France, with renowned instructors such as Raymond Franchetti or Serge Peretti. She became a soloist at the age of 19, and joined the Paris Opera (where she was trained by ballet mistress Genia Poliakov) and the Ballet du Louvre (directed by Charles Jude), and appeared on international stages alongside major ballet stars such as Nureyev, M-C. Pietragalla, Sylvie Guillem, Florence Clerc, E. Legris, Laurent Hilaire, Cyril Atanassof, Noëlla Pontois…

Cathy also danced with the Ballet National de Marseille “Roland Petit”, the Capitole in Toulouse, and she was a soloist with the Ballet de l’Opéra de Nice.

Cathy often works with repetiteurs and Paris Opera dancers like Jean-Guillaume Bart and Florence Clerc.

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