SANOS Formation Danseur-Interprète aims at helping young dancers find their way as future dance professionals
To do so, we offer you tailor-made training and support, as well as classes in which you can refine your technique and artistry in a stimulating and joyful atmosphere.
All the SANOS team will be happy to help you in the early stages of your dance career !
“Appropriate training is key in the making of a dancer: a dancer is both the creation and the creator – it is one of the most distinctive aspects of the job”
(W. Piollet)

Join us in the studio !

©Charlotte Audureau

Latest news & updates



Shooting Danseuse en Tutu Noir

are now open

for the 2024-2025 season!


If you are interested in pursuing a career in dance, if you want to prepare for your EAT (Examen d’Aptitude Technique) in ballet, then you can apply for the 2024-2025 season.

We will review all applications and then offer selected applicants an opportunity to audition for our training program during a class with our current trainees.


→Limited availability

Don’t wait to apply!

Information and contact:

Eklectik – 87 rue du Faubourg du Temple – 75010 Paris
Siret 439 152 257 00028