©Charlotte Audureau
Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau

Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau

Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau is Associate Professor of American literature and Dance Studies in the Sorbonne – University and a Junior Member of the IUF (Institut Universitaire de France). She holds an agrégation in English and a PhD in American literature from the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University (Université Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle). Her research focuses primarily on the dialogue between dance and literature, and she has published extensively in international peer-reviewed academic journals (Transatlantica, Revue Française des Études Américaines, The Emily Dickinson Journal, …), collective works like the Nouvelle Histoire de la danse en Occident: De la Préhistoire à nos jours (ed. Laura Cappelle, Seuil, 2020), and has edited the special issue of the Cahiers Élisabéthains on Shakespeare and dance (« Dancing Shakespeare in Europe: Silent Eloquence, the Body and the Space(s) of Play », volume 102, n°1, 2020).

Aurélia Lefaucheux

Aurélia Lefaucheux

Aurélia Lefaucheux holds a DE – “Diplôme d’Etat” in Dance instruction. She was trained for 10 years in a private dance school in the south of France (Var) and then joined the prestigious Paris conservatory (CNSM) ballet program. After graduating from the CNSM, she started her career as a dancer in the Ballet Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Firenze, Italy, directed by Florence Clerc, then in the Grand Théâtre de Limoges, and she was a soloist in the Compagnie chorégraphique François Mauduit. She has been a freelance soloist since 2011 and assistant repetiteur for the Mégalithe company. She has taught ballet in the Paris Centre Conservatory, in the Paris CRR, the USF (University of South Florida) Dance in Paris Semester Program, the Corporis Fabrica institute, and she often coaches Paris Opera dancers such as Roxane Stojanov, Première Danseuse (soloist) in the Paris Opera.

Cathy Laymet

Cathy Laymet

Cathy Laymet is a certified ballet instructor (she holds a DE – “Diplôme d’Etat” in Dance instruction). She was trained in the National Spanish Ballet Academy in Madrid, and in France, with renowned instructors such as Raymond Franchetti or Serge Peretti. She became a soloist at the age of 19, and joined the Paris Opera (where she was trained by ballet mistress Genia Poliakov) and the Ballet du Louvre (directed by Charles Jude), and appeared on international stages alongside major ballet stars such as Nureyev, M-C. Pietragalla, Sylvie Guillem, Florence Clerc, E. Legris, Laurent Hilaire, Cyril Atanassof, Noëlla Pontois…

Cathy also danced with the Ballet National de Marseille “Roland Petit”, the Capitole in Toulouse, and she was a soloist with the Ballet de l’Opéra de Nice.

Cathy often works with repetiteurs and Paris Opera dancers like Jean-Guillaume Bart and Florence Clerc.


Nour Caillaud

Nour Caillaud

Nour Caillaud is a contemporary dancer and the founder of the Nilanthi Studio.

She was trained in the Boulogne conservatory (CRR), and in the RIDC – a school which specializes in contemporary dance; she learned the repertory from internationally-renowned artists from instructors like Martin Kravitz. She was also trained in traditional Indian dance and collaborated on artistic projects with Raghunath Manet.

She choreographed Les Métronautes with Arthur Deschamps (Théâtre National de Bretagne in 2015, and Théâtre de l’Atelier in June 2016). In 2015-2016, she was cast in Madiba, a musical tribute to Nelson Mandela by Pierre-Yves Duchesne with a libretto by Jean-Pierre Hadida (Théâtre Le Comedia).

This year, singer Cyrille Gallais cast her as a dancer for his video clips for “La Pluie” and “La Femme Araignée”.

Nour was invited by the Pina Bausch Company to follow their training in the Theatre de la Ville in June 2015 and 2016.

These experiences allowed her to join the professional training program in the Centre National de la Danse and to become a certified instructor in contemporary dance in 2017.

Her insatiable curiosity led her to work on Marina Glorian’s project Les Invisibles veillent in 2017/2018, which is a show combining texts, dance and video, inspired by Gérard Mourgue’s poems.

Nour recently appeared in the video for singer Angèle’s “Balance ton quoi” (2018, directed by Charlotte Abramovicz) and she was the face of the LEM LEM ad campaign in 2019.

Romain Arreghini

Romain Arreghini

Romain Arreghini was trained in the Rosella Hightower Dance Academy in Cannes and the Rudra Béjart school in Lausanne, where he was trained in the Graham technique and learned the Béjart repertory while also continuing to train in classical ballet. While in Lausanne,he was introduced to the practice of other art forms such as singing, music (drums), theatre, kendo and various traditional folk dances (Indian, Cuban, African and flamenco dance).

In 2009, he appeared in the piece “Pour la beauté du geste” (choreography by Redha and staging by Pierre-Loïc Lainé).

He joined the Aquitaine Junior Ballet in 2009, where he met choreographer Christine Hassid, who cast him in her piece “Beldurra” in 2015.

Marie-Geneviève Massé in her company l’Éventail and danced in ballets like “Don Juan et les 4 saisons”, “Monsieur de Pourceaugnac” with the Musiciens de Saint-Julien et les Malins Plaisirs, “Les Ballets de Noverre” with the Concert Spirituel, “Les Amants Magnifiques” with Malins Plaisirs and Concert Spirituel.

In 2012, he was cast as an actor, dancer and choreographer in “King Arthur, the wild hunt” (Rogue Theatre, Truro, GB).

In 2014, Françoise Denieau invited him to dance with the Théâtre de Caen et les Arts Florissants for the show “Rameau, maître à danser”.

Between 2015 and 2016, he worked with the Tanzcompagnie in Giessen (Germany) with choreographer Tarek Assam and appeared in Petrushka vs Feuervogel”, “Penelope wartet” and “Gravitas”. He also co-choreographed the piece “Urban voices”.

In France, he choreographed the musical theatre piece “Bouteille(s) à la mer” for the Soleil de Nuit company, and became the resident choreographer for Dhyana Dance Lab.

In 2017, he participated in the centenary of the first ballet-pantomime “The loves of Mars and Venus” with The Weaver Ensemble (GB).

In 2020, he became a certified ballet instructor (he holds a DE – “Diplôme d’Etat” in Dance instruction) and started teaching in the Villemomble conservatory as a substitute teacher, in the conservatories of Aubervilliers (CRR93) and Rueil-Malmaison (CRR).

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